How To Book and manage Appointments

Appointments can be entered into the system in a couple of ways including manually ( Calendar and Client Profile) or via Online Scheduling, which allows your leads to book their own appointments. (Follow the link to receive further details on this Premium Feature)


1. Click on the  Calendar tab

2. Click on the date you want to book an appointment.

3. The New Appointment window will appear.

Summary: A brief description of the appointment
Person: Type the name of the lead. The lead must exist in GymSales otherwise you'll need to add into GymSales.
Type: The type of appointment

4. Complete the  required fields.

5. Click  Save.

What is a Buy-Back

A Buy-Back is when a lead says they'll come back to buy a later time.

For example, a lead comes in today and says let me think about it. 2 days later they come back and make a purchase. When booking the appointment for the 2nd time, select Buy-Back.

Keep in mind that the Walk-in Buy-Back and Appointment Buy-Back appointment types will only remain in place for 30 days. Once the 30 day period is over, you will once again be allowed to choose the options of Walk-in or Booked Tour. 

Client Profile

1. Click Action > Create Event OR Click Add Event.

2. The  New Appointment window will appear.

Summary: A brief description of the appointment
Person: Type the name of the lead. The lead must exist in GymSales otherwise you'll need to add into GymSales.
Type: The type of appointment

4. Complete the  required fields.

5. Click  Save.

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